
About Us

Tangler™ CM is exclusively manufactured for Deploy Technologies by Ridge Quest, Inc., both of Kent City, MI.


About The Tangler™

What is the Tangler™?

  • The Tangler™ is a time-saving, proven technology to deliver a biochemical (pheromone) to protect orchards from unwanted pests like codling moth and hickory shuckworm.

  • Tangler™ CM is designed to control codling moth and hickory shuckworm through delivery of a biological mating disruptor (Deodecadien), providing control from early spring (pre-emerge) to harvest. Insecticides may be used to supplement this treatment as needed.

  • Application: Tangler™ CM compressed gas launcher (bolo design) applies numerous pheromone-containing modules to upper tree canopy.

  • Traditional methods for controlling codling moth are time and labor intensive. Tanglers can be launched quickly while walking, or riding an ATV, up to 75% faster, saving labor, time and expense.

  • The Tangler™ clip comes in a box of 100 and a brick for hand application is 300 . It takes 250-400 to protect one acre from codling moths depending on your population density.

  • Developed independently and in collaboration with Michigan State University.

  • Available in Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington, Ohio and soon Pennsylvania.


Comparison of Time of Application for 300 Ties (min)

Comparison of application timing for Isomate Flex, Tangler CM, Tangler LR and NoMate LR, Michigan 2014, 2016 and 2018. Data is the mean time to apply dispensers at a rate of 300/acre. Tangler units were applied by hand walking and driving using the launcher.