Tangler CM

Protect your orchards from codling moth damage with our advanced mating disruption products. Designed for use in apple, pear, walnut orchards, and more! This product effectively disrupts mating behavior between male and female codling moths, reducing their population and preventing crop damage.

Tangler OFM

Safeguard your orchards from the destructive oriental fruit moth with our innovative mating disruption products. Ideal for use in peach, apple, and other stone fruit orchards, these products effectively interfere with the mating process, reducing moth populations and preventing crop damage. This product is pending EPA registration.

Tangler Trifecta

Protect your orchards with the Tangler Trifecta, an advanced mating disruption system designed to combat three major pests: codling moth, oriental fruit moth, and leafrollers. This innovative solution is currently in research and the product development stages. Contact us if you are interested in participating in the research process.